Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Media Questions

I believe my understanding of media texts has developed significantly in the past year. By experimenting with things such as scripts and storyboards, my skills at creating written elements has developed. In terms of practical skills, my skills at photography have developed, particularly through the first unit, which involved taking photos, and using still cameras. Also my skills at filming with video cameras have developed through the crime film, and the preliminary task. Also through using programs such as Final Cut and Photoshop, my skills have developed and I am becoming more confident with both of them.

I believe I am quite good at both practical and written elements, however I am particularly skilled at filming - through the crime film and the preliminary task, and using photoshop.

I believe that I am relatively good at using Photoshop and Final Cut, however I can get better and would like more practice. I would also like to attempt using Garage Band to make music for future projects.

I have learnt that it is best to stick to the original plan, and film as early as possible rather than leaving it too late and having to rush the editing. I have also learnt basic skills at using practical and written programs and hope to develop them further.

I (somehow) achieved an A at AS Media, and I am not sure of my current target grade, however I would assume it is either an A or a B.

Production Schedule

The following is a preliminary Production Schedule for every Media lesson we have up until the project deadline. We hope to stick to these dates as best we can, unless circumstances drastically change.

15th September 2009 – Deadline for choice of brief/Begin research
17th September – Continue reasearch
22nd September – Formulate list of possible ideas/Continue with research
24th September – Annotate possible song lyrics/Continue with research
29th September – Decide on idea and begin planning/Finish research
1st October 2009 – Write up information on target audience
6th October – Begin planning
8th October – Complete stages of planning - production schedule, draft questionnaire. Begin storyboarding.
13th October – Continue storyboarding/Hand out questionnaire to class and collect results
15th October – Analyse results and formulate tables and graphs to show results/Continue storyboarding
20th October – Complete storyboarding
22nd October – Photoshoot for location report, cast/costume/prop list


3rd November 2009 – Finalise location report, cast/costume/prop list and all outstanding sections of planning
5th November – Finish all outstanding work/Acquire music for filming
10th November 2009 – Begin filming – also take photos for DVD Cover
12th November – Continue filming – take photos for Magazine Advert
17th November – Continue filming
19th November – Finalise filming
24th November – Finish filming
26th November – Begin editing film – Prepare shots
1st December 2009 – Continue editing film/Upload all photos taken for Print Products
3rd December – Continue editing film/Begin editing DVD Cover
8th December – Continue editing film – Add music/Continue editing DVD Cover
10th December – Finalise editing film/Finalise editing DVD Cover
15th December – Finish editing film/Finish editing DVD Cover
17th December – Finish any outstanding work that needs completing


5th January 2010 – Begin editing Magazine Advert
7th January – Continue editing Magazine Advert
12th January – Finish editing Magazine Advert/Begin evaluation
14th January – Continue evaluation
19th January – Hand in draft evaluation/Complete any outstanding work
21st January – Edit evaluation according to feedback
26th January – Make any final changes to any work that needs it/Ensure blog is completely finished
January 28th – DEADLINE DAY – Ensure blog is completely finished and everything is uploaded